Friday, August 13, 2010

Segenap detik...

Masa berlalu begitu pantas. Terlalu pantas hinggakan aku terpinga melihat perubahan dunia ini. Hinggakan, baru sedar yg kitaran masa kembali membuat pusingannya.

Mngkinkah ini kali terakhir aku menemui...
Menyingkap kembali memori segenap setahun yang lalu...
Apakah aku sudah berubah???
Atau masih insan yang sama???

Kadangkala ujian datang bertubi-tubi...
Sampai terasa tertusuk hingga ke sanubari...
Apakah aku sudah berubah???
Atau masih insan yang sama???

Mungkin orang tidak mengerti...
Mahupun sekelumit memahami...
Tak semua kejayaan itu indah...
Apabila diri ini terasa bebannya...

Apakah ini satu anugerah...
Satu kurniaan...
Atau satu malapetaka...
Yang tersirat mengundang bencana...

Ya Allah...
Aku sedar....
Aku bukanlah hambamu yang mulia...
Yang rapi menjaga tanggungjawabnya...
Namun aku sedar...
Bahawa aku adalah lemah...
Dan sentiasa memerlukan pertolongan dan petunjuk-Mu...
Moga ya Allah...
Kau menetapkan kebaikan...
Di sebalik ujian-Mu yang maha berat ini...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Ending Was???

31st of July 2010...
A day to be remember...
Suppose to be...
But i wonder...
In a way of what to recall all those thing...

Once upon a time~
I was called as Alfarians...
Somewhere i belong in SASER which no longer exist...
Frankly speaking i was being lucky...
To have such a hectic classmates...
Cool, funny and irritating at sometimes...
Today we all have our own path...
Separated chasing our own goal...
In this life...

But yesterday~
We managed to gather...
As what so called as reunion of our memorable class, Alfa...
What did i feel???
Some kinda nervous and feel awkward...
Due to long time no see...
People might changed...
YEAH or maybe NOT...
Somehow i was enjoy to meet them all...
Even though it was not a complete set...
And not properly planning...

Time ticking so fast~
From suria klcc to andalus...
A kinda new place to me...
Yeah place with shisha...
And "barbarican" (not sure the spelling) bottle
like an alcoholic one...
Somehow i was persuaded to try all those thing...
But i refuse...
Who cares whether it looks cool or not...
Waiting too long for a friend from Mesir...
Chatting and chatting...
Watching football...
Until sharp the first hour of 1st August 2010...
Yeah i need to go back...
Summarize the story...
We lost on the way back...
Pity everyone who in the same car with me...
At last being drop in UM...
Here comes my brother took a friend of mine and i...
Thinking it is already "morning"...
Specific 2.15 a.m...
Spend a night at his room...
Send my friend to his hostel...
Send me to KTM Mid...
At the end i was home without taking bath from yesterday, slumpy face and exhausted...

P/s: A little bit pissed off...Perhaps to myself or someone else...Don't think about the past...My friend said...

My last words:

To Ali Saliman@Arab
- Good luck in ur study and hopefully to see u fly in Japan next year! Jgn lupe bli ak souvenier nnti. Sori kalo buat ko boring.

To Al Amin@Andre
- Don't forget to ask for forgiveness to ur parents before u fly. Bgs ar tuck in baju nmpk smart wlpn skema. InsyaAllah u can excel in medicine! Ak percaya...

To Wan Ali
- Congrats sbb dah fly ke Mesir. Sori mlm 2 x lyn ko sgt. I was exhausted. Later we'll meet again!

To Fadhil
- Congrats gak dpt course biotech. Take care of yourself and behave!

To Qamarul@Wak
- Good luck kat MIAT! Study btul2 elaun dah ar blmbk. Jgn lupe bli sikat rambut!

To Atif@Jawa
- Good luck gak kat ko to achieve what u want to be. Kalo suke Zuraihan tu ckp je la. Haha!

To Haikal
- Wish u all da best dlm course lenges (x tau eja)!!! Sori menyusahkan ko mlm tu. InsyaAllah satu hari nnti ak bls jasa ko tu...haha

To Syahir@Silak
- Hope u be successful in architechture tu. Blaja rjn2 and simpan duit tu ckit jgn nak berasap je. Haha pape nnti kite lepak lagi kat mid ke.

To the rest
- Den, kuman, cacuk, tedi, hazmi, afiq, nabil, firdaus, topi, shitok, keshvin, thinesh, panjaa, ipin......ak doakan korg sume brjaye dlm mengejar cita2 korg. Hopefully we can meet again someday...